Sometimes it all works together. This became the sort of a day you always hope for when touring in a small roadster. The weather started cool, and cloudless in Annapolis. Our route to Williamsburg, once out of the city traffic of Annapolis, took us on some beautiful scenic roads - two lanes in each direction with mostly wooded medians, smooth surfaces, 60 mph speed limit and very little traffic. What a nice drive. If you ever get a chance to drive Virginia route 17 along the Rappahannock river, do it and stay off the interstates. The poppys in the median in bloom, the Locust trees blossoming and aromatic and the Azalea's were really colorful.

The Thompson team, dressed in their driving clothes, Sue in her Kentucky Derby hat, and Karen in her "stay on my head" hat. Car running fine now.

Bill and tour Master Charlie expressing delight for our first official day of the tour.

It is interesting driving these little cars when in the company of big rigs. Someone said it is like runniing with the "big dogs".
The gang arrived in Williamsburg, VA in the early afternoon, some 175 miles in about 4 and a half hours, including gas and coffee stops. Once checked in Reg resolved an issue with the fan on his Plus 8, then we hit the road for the short hop to colonial Village gettting there just as all the restaurants closed for the afternoon. But the Bakery was open, so all was not lost.
Visiting the interesting shops and merchants in the Village, then an early dinner at the Blue Talon Bistro satisfied some of us, while the others went on to other establishments. Most were back to the hotel for a game of Farkle, then off to bed. I think everyone is happy tonight.