Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 8 Charleston SC to Savannah, GA via Beaufort and Hilton Head

Morgans bring a smile to most everyone who see them. The welcoming nature of these cars is enthusing. Today, for example, a local saw the cars at a gas station and started up a conversation with one of the drivers. He had many questions. When we fired up our engines to drive on he said loudly, "Man, they are bad to the bone."

We feel like ambassadors of happiness sometimes. Grins, waves, horn honks and thumbs-up. Greetings all day along the highway and at stops. This bunch of unique cars bring many smiles.

A great day today, having dried out after the heavy rains we had yesterday. Our trip to Beaufort saw clearing skies and warming temperatures. The cars seemed to be happy to dry out.

Entering Beaufort, the first person one driver met was a former Mayor of the city. He happily directed him to locations of interest. Our group parked on Bay Street and found Blackstones Cafe just around the corner offering great breakfasts. Shortly after being seated one of the waitresses asked if we were the ones driving the Morgan's. When we confirmed her suspicion she revealed that the owner of the restaurant, a Roger Alley called her from his home. He had seen us drive into town. He wanted her to tell us that he used to race Morgans many years ago.
Small world.

After breakfast we connected with others in the group who had arrived in their travelling clusters and wandered the shops of old downtown. A very unique town.

then a 75 minute jaunt down to Hilton Head to Charlie Miller's home for midday hospitality and a tour of his unique and wonderfully decorated home featuring Morgan's and other car's he has owned, as well as a collection of 24oo beer glasses. A Low Country Boil was next, so we walked to the Hilton Head beach and walked the sand for a half mile or so to The Dunes Club.

After eating more than any human should we bopped to Savanna, GA for an evening of Jenga and laundry.

A collection of photos tells the story.... (Sorry, the blogger editor won't allow me to line up the captions with the photos. Does anyone have a clue how to do it?)

Getting Myron Koenig's car to run quietly with a magic elixer, applied by master mechanic Bill Kukuk.
Black Stones Deli Cafe in Beaufort for great breakfasts of home cookin', great service and very nice people. Roger Alley, the owner, used to race Morgan's

The Mog 8 crew at Hemmingway's Bistro in Beaufort.

Beaufort: moss enhanced trees along a row of mansions on Bay St.

Our tour director, Charlie Millers winter cottage at Hilton Head.
Perry Nuhn's very nice flat rad parked in front.

Hilton Head Beach

Low Country Boil: Shrimp, Sausage, Potato, Corn and spices... lots of spices.

Sue Dummermuth, Perry and Rita Marie Nuhn, Karen Thompson

Bill and Ellen Kukuk and Pat Buckley

Pat and Judy Buckley

Andy and Anne Leo

Bob and Missy McKenna

Alan "D.C. Bubba" Marsh enjoys the "boil".