The Morgan Pub Crawl continues. Today from Talahassee, FL to Mobile, Al. We were invited to a special lunch in Fairhope, AL organized by noted Morgan enthusiast Tony McLaughlin, who keeps the Morgan Registry here in the US.
On the way we made a gas stop just off I-10. Interestingly, when 7 Morgans pull into a gas station at one time eyes are raised. The station attendent came out with a camera and took our picture. Probably to tell his boss. We sure do draw attention,.

It was a long slog aross Florida on a beautiful I-10. Smooth and scenic. When we discovered we had an extra hour due to the time change from eastern to central time we decided to take the scenic route through Fort Walton Beach and along the Gulf Coast to Mobile Bay and get off the Interstate.

Once in Fairhope, Tony McLaughlin gave us warm greetings and invited us in to Wintzells Oyster House where we found a great selection of local seafood. Here Charlie Miller, our tour organizer chats with Bob McKenna and Tony McLaughlin.

Tony's beautiful yellow plus 8 Morgan was parked in front of the restaurant so we wouldn't drive by when we arrived from the south.

A great lunch.
After lunch Tony led us on a nice tour of Fairhope.

The Fairhope beach on Mobile Bay

A wonderful park at the beach in Fairhope.
Tony encouraged us to see the Battleship Alabama moored at Mobile Bay.

The Battleship is a teriffic monument to the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen who served in WWII.
A huge battleship that served for five years from 1942 to 1972 in many battles around the world.

The grounds of the park adjacent to the Battleship Alabama inclued many artifacts from WWII.

Thought this was a neat shot of Mog 8.
When we reached our hotel for the night we found many staying here who are working on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. From what they explained to us, it is tough duty with long hours and hard work. We expressed our appreciation for what they are doing.
To Natchez tomorrow. More then.
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