Clouds and cool temperatures at 6 am welcomed us as we loaded our cars to be ready to leave by 6:30 for a date with the ferry to Cedar Island from Ocracoke, NC. Since the ferry company had told us all the slots were reserved for the entire day we must not miss our appointed reservations. I believe we all made it in time for a cool two and a half hour crossing.
During the ride Reg tended to installing an electrical socket to power his new GPS and while the rest of us kibitzed.

Then he worked on Karen's car a bit, tightening one of the wing mirrors.
By the time we reached Cedar Island the chores were done and it was beginning to warm up. For the uninitiated, Morgan's tend to be quite warm when driving due to limited air flow through the cockpit. Especially true in the higher powered Plus 8"s.
So, we were driving along in the uncomfortable humidity and heat of North Carolina, route 24 to be exact, near Swansboro probably, when a young chap in a rather large SUV pulled up next to us at a traffic light and said: "I suppose you know you look awesome." referring to the little sports car, not the occupants we are sure. But it made us feel cooler, in both senses of the word. We agreeded that Morgan's looked awesome.
Mog 8 led our three car packet to Surf City at Reg's suggestion, where we found a Crab Shack and chowed down on our first of hopefully many Grouper sandwiches. Others toured other sea side locations along the way to Wilmington.
Arriving at the hotel in Wilmington, some of the gals headed for the laundry, others planned a trip to the Riverwalk.
Dinner and another early evening, for it is off to Charleston, SC in the morning for some history lessons and more "Moggin".
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